
Monday 21 December 2015

New experiences so far.

As it starts to get dark and the lights are switched on I have noticed another dog sitting opposite me. I've tried barking and growling but as I walk towards him he gets closer to me. I don't know if he is friendly so I run behind the sofa and peer out. Strange he is behind a sofa as well. Can't quite get my head around this one.

Mum and dad took me to the seaside this week. I was in the back of the car on my own. I made it known I wasn't pleased but gave up whining after a while and enjoyed the ride. Apparently we live quite close to the sea and will visit often. I wasn't too keen on the sea. It was a bit windy and the waves were crashing in. Dad had me on the lead well away so I was nice and safe. Dad said I was a good boy for walking so well on the lead. We only had a very short walk as being a Great Dane I have to care of my joints as it can cause me problems later on if I walk to far as a puppy. Did I mention that in my first year I will grow the equivalent to 19 human years!!!!! So I could rest up mum and dad took me on my first visit to a cafe. Passed that test with flying colours. Stayed nice and calm, with the help of a few treats, whilst they drunk their coffee. Then on to Tesco where mum disappeared off to do her shopping. Met loads of people from 2 years to 90 years. Of course they all fell in love with me. Dad told mum I was absolutely brilliant so calm, no biting and I didn't disgrace myself. Went mad when I got home though, rugs, shoes, slippers arms, legs were all fair game. Well I can't be good all the time.

Not sure if I'll be back before Christmas but I'll let you know how I get on over the festive season.
Merry Christmas. Gorgeous George.

Friday 18 December 2015

What I got up to this week!!!!!!!!!!!

How did I know it's a rug, I thought it was bear and got my retaliation in first.
 I just thought the cushion would look better at the end of my bed. But do watch out as I can now reach them on the sofa.

Dad I was just fetching it for you, honest.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

My first time out

Talk about baptism of fire. Mum and dad had to go to Bristol which meant I had to go to. Apparently I was really good in the car. When we arrived dad put me on the lead and lifted me out of the car. Bet he won't be doing that in a few months time. Wow all this space, no fences, I just need to go over there or perhaps this way, wait maybe this direction, okay I guess I go the way dad wants me to go. Then we go into this huge building, lots of different noises and then lots of people. Everyone wanted a stroke and they all said how handsome I was (of course), and how big my paws and ears are. Well you'd be that shape if you were going to grow as big as I will.

Then back in the car just for a short time and then out onto to some grass. Thank goodness I was busting. Met even more people apparently nan and grandad and brothers. Checked out the house just to make sure I would be happy enough should I need to stay here in the future. Yep fits the bill, good size garden with plenty of grass for my ablutions, all on one level so no stairs to worry about. After a short snooze we were back in the car for the return journey.

Mum and dad were saying how good I had been, no biting, no accidents and nice and calm. Looks like I might be let out a bit more, tomorrow perhaps?

Things went a bit to pot tonight. I just felt, well, a little bit crazy. So I charged around with the door stop, pee'd on the floor twice after I'd been taken out, tore up the newspaper in the porch and was generally a pain. Great back to normal. Can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!!
Gorgeous George

Sunday 13 December 2015

This weekends antics include

Re-arranging the leaves after mum had raked them into a pile.
Well my artistic side came out as I could see an image appearing as I moved the leaves around the garden. Bugger she's put them all in a bag. I'll just keep a note of where the bag is so I can rip it open in the future.

Moving the rugs around in the lounge.
Has she no idea of interior design. They look much better curled in ball. I thought the addition of teeth marks gave them a bit of class.

Falling asleep in front of the football.
If it's good enough for dad it's good enough for me.

First walk around the garden on the lead.
Great something else to chew. Who is leading who?

Starting to get used to this crate thing, it is really comfortable. My early morning alarm call normally brings mum or dad to let me out, though I think I drank too much the other night as I could not wait and piddled in the crate. Mum was kind enough to wash and dry everything ready for the evening.
Look out for the future antics of Gorgeous George.

Hooray mum managed the pics.

This is my boing ball

Checking out the hoover

Relaxing after a hard day

Look out for more amazing photos of the Gorgeous One.

Friday 11 December 2015

George versus the ball and hoover and the reclining chair

OK, I know I promised photos but mum needs a bit more training on this and so I live in hope that she manages it before I become an adult!

I'm normally at my best first thing in the morning, full of energy after a goods nights sleep and raring to go and go and go. To keep me occupied mum had found me a baby ball, great for getting hold of, with soft but tough exterior. Should last me all of a few minutes. I can only have it when mum or dad are around in case the stuffing comes out. Don't want any visits back to the vets, nice as the big geezer was. Well as I sink my teeth into the soft material a boing sound came from it, well I jumped back and did I what any frightened dog would do I barked at it. Did seem to stop the noise, that is until I grabbed it again. Actually after a while it was quite fun and I charged off around the room at maximum speed.

All was going well until this purple thing appeared, apparently called a Dyson! Of course this needed the George bark to frighten the life out of it. I tried jumping at it, growling at it and generally making it aware I was around and not at all frightened. Until that is it started up and I shot off and hid under the dining chair. Mum says I won't be doing that for long! I did eventually get it to shut up and mum put it in the cupboard.

This evening I was relaxing in front of dads chair when I was rudely awaken. My body was slowing moving across the floor without any impetus from me? Turns out he had operated the electric recliner! I just hope he checks out I'm not underneath before he closes it.
Gorgeous George

Wednesday 9 December 2015

This morning thought I'd let mum lie in until 7am, only trouble is by that stage I was busting and made a few excellent abstract pictures on my way to the garden. Had a few accidents during the day. Personally I can't see anything wrong in piddling on the carpet but apparently it's not the done thing and I was whisked off to the garden.

I have been giving my teeth a good try out today. Mum only had two puncture wounds, she wasn't too pleased about the one on her boob though. Dad seems to walk around with his hand covering his crutch, I wonder why?

Had another trip in the car today. This time I was in the back all on my own. I did moan about that a bit, hopefully I will get used to it as mum and dad have told me we will be taking a few journeys to the seaside once I'm allowed out.

I had a photo shoot today and mum said she will post some of them on the blog tomorrow - once she figures out how to do it! Hopefully they got my best side, which of course isn't a problem because all my sides are pretty good. Until tomorrow.
Gorgeous George.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Okay you will pleased to know I can now tell the time. Mum taught me this morning, it started with " it's 3 o'clock in the morning George do you really need to go out". Yep I really do. This was closely followed by 5am and then finally 7am. Well a dog needs their breakfast and 7am is as good a time as any. I've also got a new trick. How do you keep a dog from touching the wet grass - hang from mums dressing gown, works a treat.

I've tried out a few new foods today, plain yogurt - yum and pilchards in tomato sauce - double yum, all mixed with my favourite kibble Royal Canin. Well with a name like mine what do you expect. Wonder what's on the menu tomorrow?

The only not so nice thing today was a trip in the car to a place that seemed to have a variety of animals, dad called it the vets. Did have some advantages as I didn't have to walk and I was able to snuggle up to dad. He's got some great jumpers. Apparently I can't walk around with the other dogs until a week after I have had my injection. Now listen up because this is important for all dog loving humans. We need to have these injections to make sure that we don't get nasty diseases such as Parvo, or Lepto so we can continue to be your best friend for years and years. The good news is after this injection  I get to have a whole year before the next one. The bad news - I didn't expect some huge geezer to stick a needle in the back of my neck. To add insult to injury he squirted something up my nose apparently for Kennel Cough, this is especially needed if you are putting your best friend into kennels, not that mum and dad are doing that to me. However we can pick this up outside of kennels and as they say coughs and sneezes spread diseases, so best to get me covered. Thankfully that was everything. Can't say I've noticed any adverse reaction so far. Oh! By the way they weighed me today and I come in at 13.5 kilos, quite the heavy weight, planning on Tyson Fury for my next opponent.

Well another day passes and I need to recharge my batteries ready for more chewing, playing and general mayhem. Ooh I do love being a puppy.
Georgous George

Monday 7 December 2015

I'm awake, hello anyone there. A human turns up and encourages me out the back (here we go again). Food arrives, boy am I hungry and I eat my fill. Then I'm outside again!!!! This time I make an effort and give them something to clear up. Well I need more space for the food. Still haven't seen my pals anywhere but the humans seem keen to play. Been given a few toys and bones to chew on but the rug looks a much better choice and the coals from the fire have a taste all of their own. The humans keep saying no, not quite sure what that means yet. Oh off outside again, great I wanted to check out that plant thing which is huge fun to pull on. No George!!!! There's that word again. I have tried chewing on the humans but they keep yelping, perhaps they are part dog.

The humans keep pointing to a thing on the floor and calling it cushion, I think it's really cosy, though a little large at the moment. How big do they think I'm going to get? Well might as well take advantage of it and have a snooze. I have a feeling most of my life is going to revolve around eating, peeing, pooing, playing and sleeping - sounds good to me.

Well I thought the female human, let's call her mum, wanted a hand with making the bed? I was only moving the quilt by taking it out the door! "No George" quickly followed. Guess she prefers to make it herself.

Before we go much further, you must be wondering how I'm able to articulate my life story, such as it is at 10.1/2 weeks old. The key is in the name GREAT Dane and boy am I going to be GREAT.
Georgous George.

Introducing me !!!!!!

Hi I'm George at least that's what everyone is calling me, personally I would rather have had "Fury" or Tyson or some other grandiose name but guess as I'm a dog I'd better go with flow, I am a Dane after all.

This morning started as usual with a large amount of food, a good amount of playing with the rest of the crew and then throwing out a few zzzz's, when suddenly woken from my slumber I was whisked into the big house. Not bad, had a good mooch about, met the inhabitants and then was awarded with a sparkly thing apparently called a collar. Not too shabby me thinks. Not long after this two humans came into the house, ignoring them I continued with my exploring checking out the two barking things a feathery thing and then moving on to more important things such as peeing and chewing.

Then my life changed forever. The two humans carried me to a metal thing and one sat in the back with me. Then, movement for a very long time, during which the one in the back with me snuggled me in to blanket. Wow this felt good, it's been a hard day, think I'll have a snooze.

After what seemed an age I was lifted from my slumber and taken to an outside place. Time for a pee, what a relief, a further human had joined us and they were all getting quite excited and shouting good boy???? I was too busy checking out the area, looks like plenty to chew on and plenty of green stuff to run around on. I followed everyone and ended up inside, more places to explore!!!!!

Hey I don't know if anyone has noticed but I haven't eaten for ages any chance. As if by magic some yummy stuff arrived had a nibble and then I was back outside. Had a bit of water then back outside - seems to a pattern occurring here!!!!!

Well what a day and to cap it all I end the day in jail. The humans call it a crate. All a bit scary really, no pals to snuggle up to so I have a little cry. Still no pals turn up but there is a big snugly blanket here and I am feeling rather tired. So it's over and out for now from the very georgous George.